Kobe coming to terms with his position


Kobe Bryant will go down in history as one of the best if not the best basketball player ever to play the game and arguably played with the best team of all-time.

However, now that all seems like a distant past.

The Lakers currently are 1-7 and shooting for what looks like to be a top pick in the 2015 NBA Draft.

Their upcoming opponent, San Antonio Spurs, has maintained its excellence something Kobe can only dream about.

Kobe for the first time in his career is realizing that he may never have a shot at another ring. Hell, he may never even have a shot at a playoff game. All great players have their decline.

The only problem is Kobe hasn’t declined, his team has.

The Los Angeles Lakers could still be great if not for their problems with management. While most of the weight is being put on Jim Buss, I believe GM Mitch Kupchak should carry most of the load.

Mitch was there with Jerry during the great years of Laker basketball. He knows the formula. He just can’t get the right players in place for Los Angeles to be relevant yet again.

That is why Kobe will never win another ring.

Photo Credit: Kevin C. Cox / Getty Images

Twitter: @MaxGarsh 



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